Velodom 60

Register now!

This classic is considered the highlight of the cycling calendar: start and finish in the metropolis of Cologne, overland rides through the Bergisches Land, long straights, short climbs and the legendary cobblestone passage to Bensberg Castle – and then the emotional finish in the Rheinauhafen!




60 k

Elevation gain

520 HM





Entry fees

slot 1 – 400
Fully booked
slot 401 – 1,200
Fully booked
slot 1,201 – 4,000

Regulations – Information on the race


These regulations are based on the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V. (BDR) rules.

When registering for the Velodom you acknowledge the regulations of the race.

As a rider you are obliged to get familiar with the regulations and act accordingly.

You cycle for your own account and at your own risk.


Competition rules

The Velodom 60 is open for gran fondo cyclists.

Only riders of an officially registered UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) team are not entitled to participate.
BDR licence holders are, with the above-mentioned limitations, qualified to start.

The organiser will decide about the participation of riders of other associations with comparable sportive qualification in individual cases.

You do not need to be a member of any cycling club.

When registering you are obliged to have checked your health conditions before, if necessary by consulting a medical practioner. You ensure that you have trained enough and are in sufficient condition for the participation.



We recommend an adequate sports medical examination to all participants prior to the participation.

Helmets are mandatory. The helmet has to be officially approved by an official testing institute and indicate its seal. Riding without helmet leads to disqualification.

There are no special provisions for the kind of apparel, however, they should not become any security risk. You are not allowed to ride without any apparel on the upper body.

The bib numbers handed out by us (e. g. bib numbers for the body, seat post or helmet) are for your identification. Please fix them well visible and in full size at the intended sections – the body numbers in the height of the jersey pockets at the reverse of the jersey.

We kindly ask you to fix the helmet number accordingly at the front of your helmet so that the photo supplier Sportograf can allocate you.


Overall single scorings

There will be overall single scorings for women and men:

  • overall single scoring women
  • overall single scoring men

There will be an award ceremony for the first 3 female/male riders.


Team scorings

There will be an award ceremony for the first 3 teams.


Age category and special scorings

Different rankings for female and male age category scorings will be listed:

  • youth female/male
  • juniors female/male
  • women/men
  • master 1 female/male
  • master 2 female/male
  • master 3 female/male
  • master 4 female/male


Award ceremonies

The first three female and male riders overall single scoring as well as the first three teams will be awarded on-stage.

The female winner and male winner of the age categories per competition will be awarded afterwards via mail.

As a participant you will be responsible to inform yourself about your race results and when applicable come to the stage in time for the award ceremony.

The location and time of the award ceremonies will be included in the confirmation of participation or displayed at the event area.

In case you will not appear in time for the award ceremony you will not be eligible for any price.

Chronological procedure of the award ceremonies:

  • winner of the overall male single scoring (first three riders)
  • winner of the overall female single scoring (first three riders)
  • team scoring (first three teams)

Allocation of starting blocks

The allocation of the starting blocks will follow our criteria.

The bib number allocated with the registration will not indicate any information on the starting block. We will allocate all participants after the certain internal deadlines or after the registration deadlines and inform you duly prior to the race about the exact procedure of the Velodom in the roadbook/participant information.

Important: Please make sure that you transmit your valid email address. Otherwise, we cannot provide you with this relevant data.

You are obliged to enter your starting block at least 15 minutes before the start. Follow the signposted ways. There will be no ranking within a starting block.

Participants entering the starting block first have to line up in the front part of the starting block so that subsequent participants can move up and the starting block will remain accessible.

It is not allowed to jump over the security fences and/or to push to the front.

Members of a team that would like to start together can gather in the starting block of the last rider and kick off from there. However, every rider registered for a team can start from the starting block that she/he qualified for.

Illegal moving up into any starting block further to the front will lead to disqualification.


Starting times and blocks

(as of 2024, may be subject to change for 2025)

  • 9:30 a. m. Velodom 120 – several starting blocks
  • 10:45 a. m. elite race
  • 11:11 a. m. Velodom 60 – several starting blocks
  • 12:30 p.m. Velodom 30 – start in Bergisch Gladbach


The start will be located on Bayenstraße next to Harry-Blum-Platz in Cologne.

We will offer refreshments depending on weather conditions. Please visibly indicate on the course when you want to pick up any refreshments, stop at the outermost right edge of the street and still allow other participants to pass by safely.

Dispose waste in designated refuse containers only.

Will you be forced to interrupt or resign from the race due to a damage, bodily complaints etc. you have to raise the arm and indicate others that you have to stop at the roadside.

Emergency supply along the course will be guaranteed for the participants. Please find further information in the race packet.

  • Only the commissaire will be entitled to penalise participants.
  • The degree of penalty complies with the table below.
  • The commissaire will also be entitled to penalise infringements that are not listed. In this case the commissaire decides about the degree of penalty.


Infringement Degree of penalty
Moving up to a starting block further to the front warning
Lining up in the starting block further ahead disqualification
Unsportive riding / behaviour warning or disqualification
Dangerous riding warning or disqualification
Willful dangerous riding disqualification
Lining up with a non-compliant bicycle start refused
Riding a non-compliant bicycle during the race disqualification
Taking off the helmet during the race disqualification
Modified or non-compliant positioned identification numbers warning or two minute penalty
Body or frame number not visible/recognisable warning or two minute penalty
Deviating from the chosen riding line while endangering other participants disqualification
Non-compliant sprint disqualification
Pulling from jersey two minute penalty
Hanging on vehicles / motorbikes / riders disqualification
Pushing away riders of the same team warning or two minute penalty
Pushing away riders of another team warning two minute penalty
Willful hindering of a rider warning and two minute penalty or disqualification
Willful deviating from the chosen riding line disqualification
Attempting to be classified without having absolved the entire course disqualification
Crossing closed railway crossing gates disqualification
Drafting after a vehicle warning or five minute penalty
Non-compliant mechanic assistance warning or five minute penalty
Non-compliant refreshments warning or one minute time penalty
Hindering an official vehicle passing by warning or one minute time penalty
Defiance of instructions of the commissaire warning or one minute time penalty or disqualification
Insulting, threatening, incorrect behaviour disqualification
Assaults of riders to other persons disqualification
Carrying a glass container disqualification
Non-compliant throwing away of any item warning or one minute time penalty
Throwing away glas disqualification
Anew crossing of the finish line in the direction of the race with fixed body number warning or two minute penalty
Failing to attend award ceremony loss of prices
Wearing of non-compliant clothing warning or two minute penalty
Riding on the finish straight contrary to the direction of the race disqualification
Using electronic remote communications devices (phone, radio communication) disqualification
Using of headphones or earphones disqualification


A disqualification means the loss of all awards and prices. The commissaire reserves the right to deprive any awards and prices even for unsportive behaviour that is not listed above.

What to do with your bike after your finish? It then somehow becomes an inconvenient accessory in the refreshment village, at the Bike.EXPO, while watching the live stream etc.!

We have THE solution: supervised bike parking space in the direct post-finish area!

Less jam, higher flexibility, more fun!

Note: This contigency will be highly limited! No booking on race day.

The bike parking area will be open from 12:00 to 5:00 p. m.

Just add it in the online registration process – or book it via the edit link!

Please read the most important information on the race in the FAQ (as of 2024).

The equipment regulations for the Velodom are based on those of the BDR and the UCI. Further, the following regulations of the organiser will apply.

As a participant you will be in charge of the race safety for your bike. Particularly, you have to care for the full functionality of the brakes and other security-relevant components. Participants whose bikes obviously will not fulfill the requirements for the race can be withdrawn from the competition.

The following list of materials and bike types are explicitly not allowed:

  • disc wheels/3-, 4-, 5-spokes at front and/or back
  • triathlon, time trial, bar ends or delta handlebars
  • handlebar accessories of all kind (MTB bar-ends excluded)
  • bike trailers, panniers and other payloads
  • bottles made of glas or other breakable materials and aluminium bottles
  • unicycles, sit and recumbent bikes, multi-lane vehicles
  • trailers of all kind
  • hand cycles (excluded only when having a special scoring for hand cycles)
  • tandems (excluded only when having a special scoring for tandems)
  • e-bikes (excluded only when having a special scoring for e-bikes)

Most relevant for the age categorisation will be the date of birth and sex.

The age classes will be as follows:

  • youth female/male: 2009 and younger
  • juniors female/male: 2007/2008
  • women/men: 1996 – 2006
  • master 1 female/male: 1986 – 1995
  • master 2 female/male: 1976 – 1985
  • master 3 female/male: 1966 – 1975
  • master 4 female/male: 1965 and older


Your time will be measured with a transponder.

Important: Please follow the instructions of the time keeper for the use of the bib numbers with transponders attached.


Average pace and broom wagon

An average of 25 kilometres per hour will be obligational for the Velodom 60.

The commissaire and the accompanying police squad will be in charge of the control of the average pace. The commissaire further reserves the right to also withdraw participants from the race that ride slower than the required average speed when the traffic situation necessitates it.

If you will not be capable to come up to or keep the required average pace due to damages, bodily complaints or other reasons you have to quit the race and return to the finish at your own risk by considering the highway code or enter the broom wagon.

We will close the course at certain points along the course after the planned average pace for belated passing participants. They will be handed out a flyer with the shortest way back to the starting/finish area by marshals. Withdrawn participants will be marked as DNF (did not finish) and will not appear in any result list.

Please follow the instructions of the broom wagon driver.

Please use the right part of the streets for the entire race.

As a participant do not endanger or harm other road users or participants. You will not be allowed to hinder other participants from passing by or unfolding their full speed.

Pushing someone, pushing someone off or pulling someone for personal or mutual benefit or other annoyances like sudden quitting of the riding line or abrupt stopping during the race or in the post-finish area without any imperative is prohibited and will be sanctioned according to the list below.

You will not be allowed to draft behind, hang on or pull off from motorised vehicles, neither after crashes or damages. Please make room for our vehicles securing the course.

Police and fire service emergency cars with flashing blue light and medical service always have priority. Please let them overtake you.

ATTENTION: Medical service vehicles can enter the course suddenly any time and even drive contrary to the race direction.

For securing the peloton and averting of a danger we will use motorbikes. Please make also room for them.

Throwing away rubbish and empty bottles will not be permitted.

It is strictly forbidden that other vehicles than ours will drive on the closed course.

Changing tools and spare parts among participants will be allowed. We highly recommend to take this equipment with you.

Only repair damages when resting on the right part of the street. Do not hinder other riders.

In case you will receive material from our support vehicles or you will change own material to those offered by staff of the support vehicles please return it directly after crossing the finish line at the booth next to the hand-out of the race packets!

We kindly ask you to abstain from potentially dangerous maneuvers prior to the finish line and keep both hands on the handle bars. Please keep to your riding line.

Leave the course and post-finish area quickly to avoid disturbing others. Please follow the signs and instructions from the volunteers on-site.

What to do when you get ill prior to the race or you cannot come due to important reasons?

The Generali entry fee insurance (managed by Europ Assistance) will cover the costs of the entry fee in the case of illness, accident, unemployment, short-time work or extensive damage to your property.

Book the entry fee insurance – depending on the entry fee contingency for just

Velodom 60

  • € 13.92 (1st contingeny)
  • € 16.07 (2nd contingency)
  • € 19.28 (3rd contingency)

– and you may start your training without any stress! :o)


What is to do in the case of an insured event?

As long as you have booked this insurance and you cannot take part in the race please send us an email with the corresponding information. You will then receive a deregistration form from us which you can then submit for your claim via the online tool (in German 🇩🇪 only) when having an IBAN code:

  • copy of your confirmation of registration
  • deregistration form
  • proof of illness, damage etc. (e. g. medical certificate)
  • bank details (IBAN and BIC)

Those who learn a lot need to keep a level head! And to keep this, as is well-known, you have to do sports. Therefore, we would like to award cycling students in Cologne and introduced the Cologne student cup (‘Kölner Studi-Werk Cup’ in German) in cooperation with the Kölner Studierendenwerk for the Velodom 60 and Velodom 120.

When you are currently matriculated at a Cologne-based university you may register online prior to April 30, 2025 for cheaper rates (after the first entry fee contingency 10% off the entry fee). Note: This scoring is not available for elite cyclists.

And we will have fancy prices for the fastest Cologne would-be graduates:

  • #1: € 150.00 contribution to the semester fee, sponsored by Rund um Köln
  • #2: € 100.00 voucher by E&P Reisen
  • #3: 75.00 contribution to canteen meals, sponsored by Kölner Studierendenwerk

The award ceremony will directly take place on stage in the finish after the race. Please bring your valid student ID to race. We will check it before the award ceremony.

Note: Should you already be registered for the race we still may enroll you for the special Cologne student scoring. A reimbursement will however not be possible.

Service package

  • closed, officially measured and UCI approved course
  • professional chronometry: bib numbers with transponder (attached to seat post)
  • high-quality, sustainable race kit with goodies
  • sustainable medal
  • refreshment station along the course
  • event points and party atmosphere along the course
  • moderation in starting and finish areas as well as along the course
  • year-round customer care
  • year-round communications and information
  • data access and control via edit link

Optional services

  • photo flat with video
  • despatch of race kit (within Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands)
  • merchandise: jersey, bib shorts, jacket, vest, socks etc.
  • entry fee insurance
  • preferred bib number

Last years’ winners

  • Carmen Burmeister 🇩🇪 (2024)
  • Nico Gremm 🇩🇪 (2024)
  • Svenja Heimann 🇩🇪 (2023)
  • Michel Gießelmann 🇩🇪 (2023)
  • Nele Laing 🇩🇪 (2022)
  • Fabio Dias 🇵🇹 (2022)